Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Last week I saw the movie Limitless.  This film was directed by Neil Burger and stars Bradley Cooper, Robert De Niro, and Abbie Cornish.  In the film, a writer discovers a top secret drug that enables him use all of his brain and seems to give him super human abilities.   We all use just a small protion of our brain; imagine if we could use all of it.  Well, that's the idea and a very good idea may I add.  What made this movie a hit is the very well written story line, the amazing visual effects, and fine acting.  This film ran with the plot and left no details unraveled.  I can honestly say it satisfied the audience's appetite for a good story.

There are many scenes or explanations throughout the movie that would make sense if we were to use all of our brain.  I dont want to give away all the details but the film did make me think about our society and our culture and how we preceive others.  Is it true that only the most intelligent are the survivors and the most powerful? It does make sense that the more we know, the more we can acheive and conquor.  This is no secret but what the film suggests will make you think and understand what it is I am trying to say and what I am really questioning.  Like I said before, I do not want to give anything away. 

I believe a good story or show is one that makes you think about the world we live in and how we relate to others as well as being able to transport the audience and fully envolve them.  That is what I believe this movie did and why it did so well with both critics and audience.  The idea alone was brilliant and they way in which it was told was very well done.

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